Valencia, July 28th, 2022. Urbaser, a global leader in environmental management, has begun managing the Algimia de Alfara waste treatment plant. The facility, located within the Sierra Calderona Natural Park, incorporates innovative treatment processes that allow for the recovery of more than 60% of the waste managed, thus favoring the reuse of materials. This acquisition supports Urbaser’s position as a key factor in the transition to a sustainable future through circular economy solutions.
The plant has automated operations for the extraction of bulky waste, which is then sorted, recycled and recovered. Also, the treatment process allows the separation of improper elements, i.e., waste deposited incorrectly in the container, to concentrate the rest of the recyclable elements. In this sense, the facility specializes in converting organic matter into compost, separating it from other fractions such as light packaging, paper and cardboard, briks, metals and aluminum.

The facility annually manages more than 100,000 tons of urban waste from the Palancia Belcaire Consortium, made up of 56 municipalities and 210,000 inhabitants in the northern area of Valencia and the southern area of Castellón, as well as waste from the consortium’s network of fixed and mobile ecoparks.
In the words of María Jesús Ramírez, Urbaser’s Director of Waste Treatment in Spain, “the Algimia de Alfara plant is one of the most technologically advanced, which allows us to meet the requirements set by Royal Decree 646/2020, which establishes that by 2025 the rate of waste disposal in landfills must be less than 40%”.
The treatment plant is fully integrated into the surrounding landscape, and all its construction elements are recyclable. Thanks to its commitment to environmental education and awareness, it has become a benchmark, both in the Valencian Community and nationally.
Likewise, its innovative and technological character, in combination with its design and location, give it the ideal characteristics to be visited and to know first-hand the important work carried out for the benefit of everyone and of the planet.