Regenerated base lubricants

Urbaser offers environmental solutions for the industrial sector.

Lubricating oils used in vehicles and machinery are some of the most frequent and polluting waste in the world. At Sertego, we are working on the development of treatments to reduce the impact of these used oils as much as possible through recovery, recycling, and regeneration processes.

Pioneers in an increasingly demanded service

We are pioneers in the regeneration of used industrial oils in our country; a treatment that obtains bases from waste that is then transformed into new types of industrial lubricants. Sertego opted for these treatments, creating regeneration plants even before the approval of Royal Decree 679/2006 dated 2 June, which regulates used industrial oil management. Today, we have 4 plants for the treatment and sale of regenerated lubricant bases located in strategic national points: Alfaro (La Rioja), Fuenlabrada (Madrid), Cartagena (Murcia), and Palos de la Frontera (Huelva).

All of our processes comply with Directive 2008/98/CE, which advocates for waste management that does not place individual and environmental health at risk.

Thanks to the treatment carried out at our plants, we significantly contribute to regenerated lubricant sales in Spain. For this purpose, we have a commercial sales department for regenerated bases that are later used for manufacturing recovered lubricants from engines, hydraulics, etc. This department is located at our plant in Fuenlabrada, where clients receive personalised consulting and supply services.

Planta de Sertego en Alfaro


If you wish to contact the industrial waste area please fill in the following form.

Our lubricant base regeneration plants in Alfaro, Fuenlabrada, Palos de la Frontera, and Cartagena.

Silueta del mapa de españa y canarias

Urbaser Tudela
+34 941 184 203

Urbaser Alfaro
+34 941184203

Urbaser Fuenlabrada
+34 91 642 45 80

Urbaser Palos de la Frontera
+34 959 36 91 58

Urbaser Cartagena
+34 968 16 77 47